72 Days
Today was amazing! the shoot went so beyond incredibly well… the models looked fantastic in the costumes, hair, make-up and lighting — I cannot wait to see the photos (unfortunately I will have to wait until Monday when Clare - the photographer - gets back from London) but here are a few I took on the day …when I wasn’t fiddling with the costumes and bossing the models into positions! (hope I wan’t too bossy though!)
The costumes really worked well on the models which I am so pleased with. It was definitely worth a sleepless week getting them finished and working really hard on them to get them how I wanted … I am so happy with how they turned out.
Photographer - Clare Fisher http://clare-fisher.co.uk/
Filmographer and Stylist - Danni Rondez http://hellorondez.tumblr.com/
Designer and Dresser - Rachel Lobban (myself)
Models - Rachel Kurduneska
Adam Robertson - http://man-with-hat.tumblr.com/
Amy Wilkinson - http://www.flickr.com/photos/talihinasky
Andy March - http://www.flickr.com/photos/andimarch
Runner - Mabon Llyr http://www.mabonllyr.com/