Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Can't String A Sentence

61 Days

Another day getting organised for tomorrow, and doing more designs for The Hypnotist.
Having got all the base costumes and props for tomorrow and sorting out cameras / angles with Danni and Adam, I have been having a wee experiment with mark making….obviously they are going to look so different on the bodies but that’s half the point :)
I also had a really good tutorial with Robert today which got me thinking more about my mark making, and the ‘materials’ I use to make costumes … it could get interesting …


62 Days

We had such a great Team Show meeting this morning for our degree show. We met the design for publishing students who are designing our website and made some decisions on some ‘stuff’.

Also had a meeting with Danni for our collaboration on Wednesday, which went really well, we sorted out models and found some inspiration for poses.
I also bought I book - gotta love books!

Monday, 19 March 2012

It's A Sunday.

63 Days

Sunday is a day for drawing (sorry for rubbish photos - took on my phone)

Sunday, 18 March 2012


64 Days

It’s not all about the work … today was spent helping my friend move house … this was on her wall


65 Days

A day of thinking and a meeting with Danni for our collaboration film on Wednesday … this is where we might be filming

66 Days

Playing with paint today … I’m not the best with colour, and prefer to ‘mix’ it together as I draw … but some interesting colours and marks … inspired by a Hummingbird

Mid Year Review

67 Days

Last minute research printing for my Mid Year Review today (which thankfully went really well - yay!)
How did I celebrate? Sim and I spent 5 hours editing music for the ballet!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Caught On Camera


or try


Film of our Collaboration Day on Friday, film by the wonderful Danni Rondez http://hellorondez.tumblr.com/

Birds Fly Together

Photographer - Clare Fisher http://clare-fisher.co.uk/
Filmographer and Stylist - Danni Rondez http://hellorondez.tumblr.com/
Designer and Dresser - Rachel Lobban (myself)
Models - Rachel Kurdynowska http://rachelkurdynowska.tumblr.com/
Adam Robertson - http://man-with-hat.tumblr.com/
Amy Wilkinson - http://www.flickr.com/photos/talihinasky
Andy March - http://www.flickr.com/photos/andimarch
Runner - Mabon Llyr http://www.mabonllyr.com/

Dark Birds

Photographer - Clare Fisher http://clare-fisher.co.uk/
Filmographer and Stylist - Danni Rondez http://hellorondez.tumblr.com/
Designer and Dresser - Rachel Lobban (myself)
Models - Amy Wilkinson - http://www.flickr.com/photos/talihinasky
Andy March - http://www.flickr.com/photos/andimarch
Runner - Mabon Llyr http://www.mabonllyr.com/

White Birds

68 Days

Got the photos from Friday today and they are wonderful!
It is so difficult to choose just a small selection to show, especially when they are all so fantastic … but here are just some of my favourites (sadly I cannot put up all of my favourite’s!)
Since there are so many I have decided to do it in sections …

White Birds
Photographer - Clare Fisher http://clare-fisher.co.uk/
Filmographer and Stylist - Danni Rondez http://hellorondez.tumblr.com/
Designer and Dresser - Rachel Lobban (myself)
Models - Rachel /
Adam Robertson - http://man-with-hat.tumblr.com/
Runner - Mabon Llyr http://www.mabonllyr.com/

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Welcome To The Sixties

69 Days

In preparation for my Mid Year Review on Wednesday I have been sorting through my drawings and thought I would pop up some drawings from the workshop that I drew with my feet. So much fun!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Three Sparrows

70 Days

Another day of rest … with a bit of unexpected helping out on a mini shoot!

Nina, Kat and I decided to get out of the city and went to Cley which is a beautifully quaint wee place. It was such a sunny day we thought why not!

While we were there we took the opportunity to take some photos, so I gave a hand with dressing

Photographer and Designer : Nina Falk http://ninafalk.tumblr.com/

Model : Katerina Panayi http://katerinapanayi.blogspot.com/

Dresser : Rachel Lobban (myself)


71 Days

After such a busy week, I took the whole day off …first time in a very long time…which yes I felt guilty for but I don’t think I would have made it any longer without a wee rest …

I did write out my life until I move back to Edinburgh in July which was rather a scary thought … ok a hugely scary thought - although exciting at the same time!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Bird Family

72 Days

Today was amazing! the shoot went so beyond incredibly well… the models looked fantastic in the costumes, hair, make-up and lighting — I cannot wait to see the photos (unfortunately I will have to wait until Monday when Clare - the photographer - gets back from London) but here are a few I took on the day …when I wasn’t fiddling with the costumes and bossing the models into positions! (hope I wan’t too bossy though!)

The costumes really worked well on the models which I am so pleased with. It was definitely worth a sleepless week getting them finished and working really hard on them to get them how I wanted … I am so happy with how they turned out.

Photographer - Clare Fisher http://clare-fisher.co.uk/
Filmographer and Stylist - Danni Rondez http://hellorondez.tumblr.com/
Designer and Dresser - Rachel Lobban (myself)
Models - Rachel Kurduneska
Adam Robertson - http://man-with-hat.tumblr.com/
Amy Wilkinson - http://www.flickr.com/photos/talihinasky
Andy March - http://www.flickr.com/photos/andimarch
Runner - Mabon Llyr http://www.mabonllyr.com/

Tomorrow Tomorrow

73 Days

Tomorrow is the photo shoot with Danni and Clare
So today I have spent the day making the dark male and white male costumes, organising the schedule for tomorrow and laying out / packing everything ready to go in the morning.
I also had a meeting with the film producer who liked my designs (yay!)

The Hypnotist

74 Days

Not only am I working on my uni project and collaborations but I am designing costumes and wardrobe mistress-ing for a feature film ‘The Hypnotist’.

…I may have slightly taken over the living room during some of the designing process …

Caving In Works

75 Days

I caved in and made the fringing into a dress … it needs neating up obviously but this is it so far … I’ve made more fringing for the shorts tomorrow