On Sunday my friend Jack and I went to the Top Drawer exhibition in Earls Court. It was fantastic! There was inspiration left right and centre! The place was filled with ideas and excitement, and was definitely worth waking up for at 5am! When we arrived we received our badges and began to wonder around all the fabulous stalls. There was everything from cards and textiles to trinkets and toys.
Before the show, I had begun to look into Autumn/Winter 11/12 for inspiration of shapes and colours, and having been to the show I am definitely going to continue with this research. This is not only for the reason that the colours and shapes work nicely with my project, but also because there is a ‘theme’ / ‘design icon’ of birds – which obviously works perfectly with my project.
Looking around the show I not only took design inspiration but also took away some ideas for drawing techniques. For example – doing black and white drawings with some block colour; using as little lines as possible but still showing as much detail as possible too; and using paint in an expressive and abstract way.
Seeing everything in the show and getting to talk to some of the designers was so inspiring and has got me even more excited for this project. One of these designers was Taisir Gibreel, who graduated last year and has already exhibited at rather a few well known shows. She was absolutely lovely and happy to talk to us, telling (and showing) us how hard work can really pay off. This was so inspirational as this could be us after we graduate next year – a very scary (but exciting) thought!